Weather conditions near McEwen
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7 day weather forecast
Current condition: Fog 45°F 2025-02-12T10:35:00-06:00
Today 2025-02-12, Chance Showers and Patchy Fog then Showers. Detail...
Tonight 2025-02-12, Showers Likely then Mostly Cloudy. Detail...
Thursday 2025-02-13, Decreasing Clouds. Detail...
Thursday Night 2025-02-13, Partly Cloudy. Detail...
Friday 2025-02-14, Mostly Sunny. Detail...
Friday Night 2025-02-14, Mostly Cloudy then Showers Likely. Detail...
Saturday 2025-02-15, Heavy Rain. Detail...
Saturday Night 2025-02-15, Heavy Rain. Detail...
Sunday 2025-02-16, Slight Chance Rain/Snow then Mostly Cloudy. Detail...
Sunday Night 2025-02-16, Partly Cloudy. Detail...
Washington's Birthday 2025-02-17, Sunny. Detail...
Monday Night 2025-02-17, Partly Cloudy. Detail...
Tuesday 2025-02-18, Mostly Cloudy. Detail...