Chat Room for I-495
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Chat Room for I-495
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R780 at I-26 - 3rd Nov, 202022
I-26 Accident near me, reported by R780. Accident is close to I-26 NC Exit 40, near Arden, about 0.99 mi to the exit
R266 at I-495 - 23rd Nov, 201818
I-495 MA Accident near me, reported by R266. Accident is close to I-495 MA Exit 87mm, near Chelmsford, about 2.28 mi to the exit
R277 at I-495 - 23rd Nov, 201817
I-495 MA Accident near me, reported by R277. Accident is close to I-495 MA Exit 87mm, near Chelmsford, about 2.28 mi to the exit
Goin south at I-495,MD - 26th Jun, 201813
Pothole on southbound lane around exit 24. Could cause damage to tire/ axel
Roadnow Chat for I-495,NY - 10th Dec, 20136
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-495,MA - 10th Dec, 20135
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-495,DE - 10th Dec, 20134
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-495,VA - 10th Dec, 20133
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-495,MD - 10th Dec, 20132
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-495,DC - 10th Dec, 20131
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!