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Chat Room for I-39

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R943 at I-75 - 22nd Sep, 202045
I-75 Accident near me, reported by R943. Accident is close to I-75 KY Exit 185, near Erlanger, about 0.55 mi to the exit
R405 at I-10 - 7th Sep, 202044
I-10 Congestion near me, reported by R405. Congestion is close to I-10 TX Exit 876, near Orange, about 1.00 mi to the exit
R437 at I-39 - 26th May, 202043
I-39 Congestion near me, reported by R437. Congestion is close to I-39 WI Exit 136, near Plainfield, about 14.13 mi to the exit
R784 at I-80 - 29th Dec, 201942
I-80 Construction near me, reported by R784. Construction is close to I-80 IN Exit 0mm, near Whiting, about 3.53 mi to the exit
Jenna at I-390 - 28th Feb, 201941
Are there any delays on 390 from Hornell to Rochester ? How are the road conditions ?
R359 at I-39 - 15th Feb, 201940
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R359
R493 at I-39 - 15th Feb, 201939
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R493
R877 at I-39 - 20th Jan, 201938
I-39 Congestion near me, reported by R877. Congestion is close to I-39 WI Exit 104, near Packwaukee, about 1.61 mi to the exit
R686 at I-39 - 20th Jan, 201937
I-39 Congestion near me, reported by R686. Congestion is close to I-39 WI Exit 104, near Packwaukee, about 1.61 mi to the exit
R367 at I-39 - 20th Jan, 201936
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R367. Accident is close to I-39 WI Exit 104, near Packwaukee, about 1.61 mi to the exit
R686 at I-39 - 20th Jan, 201935
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R686. Accident is close to I-39 WI Exit 104, near Packwaukee, about 1.61 mi to the exit
Megan at I-39 - 19th Jan, 201934
Hello- my name is Megan. I live in laSalle, IL and am supposed to be traveling to Milwaukee, WI. Can you provide an update on I39?
R807 at I-39 - 12th Jan, 201933
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R807. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 119, near Rockford, about 4.72 mi to the exit
R504 at I-39 - 12th Jan, 201932
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R504. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 119, near Rockford, about 4.72 mi to the exit
R513 at I-39 - 27th Nov, 201831
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R513. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.91 mi to the exit
R626 at I-39 - 27th Nov, 201830
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R626. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.91 mi to the exit
R825 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201829
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R825. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.91 mi to the exit
R414 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201828
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R414. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.91 mi to the exit
R208 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201827
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R208. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.91 mi to the exit
C533 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201826
So are the roads that bad
R909 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201825
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R909. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.92 mi to the exit
R208 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201824
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R208. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 14, near El Paso, about 32.92 mi to the exit
C525 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201823
I'm trying to get home to Wisconsin from bartonville how are the roads on 39 to Rochelle
R271 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201822
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R271. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 119, near Rockford, about 2.65 mi to the exit
R796 at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201821
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R796. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 119, near Rockford, about 2.65 mi to the exit
Rickyd at I-39 - 26th Nov, 201820
What is I 39 like for snow conditions from Rockford to Spring Valley
R981 at I-39 - 8th Oct, 201819
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R981. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 115, near Rockford, about 2.04 mi to the exit
R993 at I-39 - 8th Oct, 201818
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R993. Accident is close to I-39 IL Exit 115, near Rockford, about 2.04 mi to the exit
R570 at I-39 - 4th Oct, 201817
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R570
R668 at I-39 - 15th Sep, 201816
I-39 Accident near me, reported by R668. Accident is close to I-39 WI Exit 84, near Portage, about 29.97 mi to the exit
Jethro at I-39 - 13th Jul, 201815
Dead stop mile 92 what's up
X813 at I-39 - 8th Jun, 201814
Can anyone see what the stoppage cause is
X488 at I-390 - 1st Jun, 201813
What’s the backup at Avon?
X302 at I-395 - 28th May, 201812
We saw a turtle on the median somewhere near mile 28. Wish we could rescue it before it crosses into traffic 🙁 But we assumed it’s unsafe for us to do so. I’m hoping maybe a police person might see it.
Abby at I-395 - 28th May, 201811
We saw a turtle on the median somewhere near mile 28. Wish we could rescue it before it crosses into traffic 🙁
Aj at I-39 - 29th Apr, 201810
What happen at i39
V415 at I-39 - 16th Apr, 20189
How is i39 today
R454 at I-390 NY - 15th Apr, 20188
Traveling 390 to rt 86. On 4/15/18. What are the road conditions
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