Chat Room for i80
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Chat Room for i80
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R645 at I-8 - 27th Jan, 202017
I-8 Accident near me, reported by R645. Accident is close to I-8 CA Exit 111, near El Centro, about 0.82 mi to the exit
R570 at I-80 - 5th Jul, 201814
Can someone please tell me what is going on the i80 west bound, near the water gap
R765 at I-80 - 5th Jul, 201813
What type of accident is on i80 west bound? I've been stuck for about 2 hours
R379 at I-79 - 21st Jun, 201811
Traffic status or backups from pittsburgh to i80 north bound oni79...t there any?
Gram at I-80 - 8th Jun, 201810
Anyone know what’s holding up traffic on i80 going west just past Marseilles?
R689 at I-80 - 29th Mar, 20189
Why in the heck is i80 and every highway leading to it shut down right now!!!!
R547 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20186
Moving 5mph on i80 east near delaware gap. Hopefully we dont have another standstill
R325 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20184
Finally moving on i80 east near delaware gap. Be careful drivin because people are still asleep and parked
R472 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20183
what is going on on i80 leading upto delaware water gap. I'm a mile away from exit 293 I believe. Is I80 closed on this section, or what exactly is going on? if it is closed, is it going to reopen soon?
R693 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20182
looking at camera, i80E is clear around long pond, dark truck appears to be blocking movement. No E traffic at Tannersville so must be rerouting after