Car X Auto Services 2024-12-22 Roadnow click anywhere on map to find more poi nearby Weather | Gas | Restaurants | Hotels | Car Repair | Convenience Stores Cities close to Car-X Auto Services Urbana, IL 1.87 mi Savoy, IL 5.95 mi Bondville, IL 10.86 miInterstate highway exits close to Car-X Auto Services Exit 182, i74 2.21 mi Exit 181, i74 2.57 mi Exit 183, i74 3.02 miInterstate highways close to Car-X Auto Services i74 map 2.21 mi i72 map 3.31 mi i57 map 4.90 miState roads close to Car-X Auto Services US 150 IL map 0.26 mi US 45 IL map 0.37 mi IL 10 map 1.37 mi