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Chat Room for i8
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R645 at I-8 - 27th Jan, 202032
I-8 Accident near me, reported by R645. Accident is close to I-8 CA Exit 111, near El Centro, about 0.82 mi to the exit
CCo at I-85 - 22nd Aug, 201830
Did anyone get pictures or videos of the accident last night on i85 2.5 Miles past lavonia ga? It involved white ford SUV and coachman camper trailer. The camper trailer flipped Over? Children pets from Colorado.
R570 at I-80 - 5th Jul, 201826
Can someone please tell me what is going on the i80 west bound, near the water gap
R765 at I-80 - 5th Jul, 201825
What type of accident is on i80 west bound? I've been stuck for about 2 hours
R379 at I-79 - 21st Jun, 201823
Traffic status or backups from pittsburgh to i80 north bound oni79...t there any?
Gram at I-80 - 8th Jun, 201822
Anyone know what’s holding up traffic on i80 going west just past Marseilles?
R689 at I-80 - 29th Mar, 201819
Why in the heck is i80 and every highway leading to it shut down right now!!!!
R547 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20189
Moving 5mph on i80 east near delaware gap. Hopefully we dont have another standstill
R325 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20187
Finally moving on i80 east near delaware gap. Be careful drivin because people are still asleep and parked
R472 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20186
what is going on on i80 leading upto delaware water gap. I'm a mile away from exit 293 I believe. Is I80 closed on this section, or what exactly is going on? if it is closed, is it going to reopen soon?
Bill Buckley at I-84 - 3rd Mar, 20185
Leave it up to dumbass tractor trailers to slide off the road cuz they're driving like a jackass. These pinheads need to get better training! I'm over here about to soil myself stuck on i84 with 2 miles from the nearest exit
R978 at I-84 - 3rd Mar, 20184
Eastbound i84, not moving but I’m one quarter mile from 739 ramp. ****ing come on you dumb ****s. Get off the road if it’s closed. 739 ramp is open and you faggots are blocking it
R693 at I-80 - 3rd Mar, 20183
looking at camera, i80E is clear around long pond, dark truck appears to be blocking movement. No E traffic at Tannersville so must be rerouting after