Chat Room for belt-parkway
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Chat Room for belt-parkway
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R259 at I-65 - 12th Aug, 20197
I-65 Accident near me, reported by R259. Accident is close to I-65 AL Exit 219, near Jemison, about 2.65 mi to the exit
X902 at belt-parkway - 10th Jun, 20186
What is the best time for the least amount of traffic on the parkway
V662 at belt-parkway - 22nd Apr, 20184
What's going on with hitting bumper-to-bumper traffic Westbound just passing Kennedy Airport it took like 20 minutes for us to go to exits is there an accident or Construction
Bob 888 at belt-parkway - 15th Apr, 20182
What is the current condition now between Verrazano and jfk
eve at belt-parkway - 11th Apr, 20181
Where can I find information about the terrible delays on Belt parkway this morning, 04/11/2018.