Truck Stop: VET’S WHOA & GO 1550 1st Ave N SAINT JAMES near I-90 Exits
VET’S WHOA & GO 1550 1st Ave N SAINT JAMES is also close to cities: Bingham Lake, MN (11.05 mi ); Heron Lake, MN (17.80 mi ); Mountain Lake, MN (18.08 mi ). VET’S WHOA & GO 1550 1st Ave N SAINT JAMES can reach interstate highways: i90 (25.99 mi ); i229sd (128.66 mi ); i29 (130.38 mi ). It is also close to local highways: MN COTTONWOOD 13 (0.31 mi ); MN 62 (0.93 mi ); MN LEGISLATIVE 16 (1.43 mi ).
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