I-85 Alabama Exits Southbound
- MAPExit 70 AL 388, to Cusseta
[Gas(1), Food(11), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~3.69 mi to Exit 66, ~6.55 mi to Exit 77]nearby city: Cusseta,AL - MAPExit 66 Andrews Rd, to US 29 No Services
[Gas(14), Food(37), Hotels(6) within 5 miles]
[~2.17 mi to Exit 64, ~3.69 mi to Exit 70]nearby city: Cusseta,AL - MAPExit 64 US 29, to Opelika
[Gas(22), Food(64), Hotels(6) within 5 miles]
[~2.36 mi to Exit 62, ~2.17 mi to Exit 66]nearby city: Opelika,AL - MAPExit 62 US 280/431, to Opelika
[Gas(29), Food(99+), Hotels(12) within 5 miles]
[~1.4 mi to Exit 60, ~2.36 mi to Exit 64]nearby city: Opelika,AL - MAPExit 60 AL 51, AL 169, to Opelika
[Gas(40), Food(99+), Hotels(16) within 5 miles]
[~2.03 mi to Exit 58, ~1.4 mi to Exit 62]nearby city: Opelika,AL - MAPExit 58 US 280 W, to Opelika
[Gas(52), Food(99+), Hotels(17) within 5 miles]
[~1.74 mi to Exit 57, ~2.03 mi to Exit 60]nearby city: Opelika,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 42 US 80, AL 186 E, Wire Rd
[Gas(2), Food(3), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~3.41 mi to Exit 38, ~9.04 mi to Exit 51]nearby city: Tuskegee,AL - MAPExit 38 AL 81, to Tuskegee to Tuskegee NHS
[Gas(4), Food(18), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~6.29 mi to Exit 32, ~3.41 mi to Exit 42]nearby city: Tuskegee,AL - MAPExit 32 AL 49 N, to Tuskegee
[Gas(1), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~6.18 mi to Exit 26, ~6.29 mi to Exit 38]nearby city: Tuskegee Institute,AL - MAPExit 26 AL 229 N, to Tallassee
[Gas(2), Food(5), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~3.74 mi to Exit 22, ~6.18 mi to Exit 32]nearby city: Shorter,AL - MAPExit 22 US 80, to Shorter
[Gas(2), Food(4), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~6.09 mi to Exit 16, ~3.74 mi to Exit 26]nearby city: Shorter,AL - MAPExit 16 Waugh, to Cecil
[Gas(2), Food(21), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~5.02 mi to Exit 11, ~6.09 mi to Exit 22]nearby city: Pike Road,AL - MAPExit 11 US 80, to Mt Meigs
[Gas(27), Food(99+), Hotels(30) within 5 miles]
[~1.95 mi to Exit 9, ~5.02 mi to Exit 16]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 9 AL 271, to AL 110, to Auburn U/Montgomery
[Gas(41), Food(99+), Hotels(35) within 5 miles]
[~2.48 mi to Exit 6, ~1.95 mi to Exit 11]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 6 US 80, US 231, AL 21, East Blvd
[Gas(65), Food(99+), Hotels(38) within 5 miles]
[~1.81 mi to Exit 4, ~2.48 mi to Exit 9]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 4 Perry Hill Rd
[Gas(87), Food(99+), Hotels(34) within 5 miles]
[~1.64 mi to Exit 3, ~1.81 mi to Exit 6]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 3 Ann St
[Gas(91), Food(99+), Hotels(38) within 5 miles]
[~0.89 mi to Exit 2, ~1.64 mi to Exit 4]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 2 Forest Ave
[Gas(86), Food(99+), Hotels(38) within 5 miles]
[~1.31 mi to Exit 1, ~0.89 mi to Exit 3]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 1 Court St, Union St, downtown
[Gas(75), Food(99+), Hotels(13) within 5 miles]
[~1.31 mi to Exit 2]nearby city: Montgomery,AL