Truck Stops on I-82 in Washington (switch state)
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Amenities: Truck Parking; L; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Scales; 24 HOURS; Self Service; VISA/Mastercard; Comm Data Cards/Checks
[~0.47 miles to Exit 31b a of I-82 WA]
[~0.52 miles to Exit 30 of I-82 WA]
[ food(88+), gas(25), lodging(23), coffee(6), attractions(32), grocery(42), bars(29) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPGEARJAMMER AMBEST TRUCK PLAZA 2310 Rudkin Rd UNION GAP, WA, I-82
Amenities: Truck Parking; S; Deli; Store; WIFI; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Trip Pak; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fuel Man; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~0.39 miles to Exit 36 of I-82 WA]
[~1.13 miles to Exit 34 of I-82 WA]
[ food(79), gas(24), lodging(16), coffee(2), attractions(27), grocery(33), bars(21) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPTHE OUTPOST 1825 Waneta Rd SUNNYSIDE, WA, I-82
Amenities: Truck Parking; S; Restaurant/Deli; Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~0.73 miles to Exit 69 of I-82 WA]
[~2.09 miles to Exit 67 of I-82 WA]
[ food(40), gas(10), lodging(4), coffee(2), attractions(10), grocery(22), bars(4) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPHORSE HEAVEN HILLS TRAVEL PLAZA 101 Merlot Dr PROSSER, WA, I-82
Amenities: Truck Parking; M; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Scales; WIFI; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~0.25 miles to Exit 80 of I-82 WA]
[~1.89 miles to Exit 82mm of I-82 WA]
[ food(25), gas(5), lodging(2), coffee(3), attractions(4), grocery(5), bars(2) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPEAGLE TRUCK STOP 1611 Canyon Road ELLENSBURG, WA, I-90 Exit 109
Amenities: Truck Parking; S; Deli; Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~0.14 miles to Exit 109 of I-90 WA]
[~1.35 miles to Exit 0mm of I-82 WA]
[ food(72), gas(9), lodging(8), coffee(6), attractions(11), grocery(18), bars(11) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPPILOT TRAVEL CENTER 1512 Hwy 97 ELLENSBURG, WA, I-90 Exit 109
Amenities: Truck Parking; M; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Scales; WIFI; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Trip Pak; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fuel Man; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~1.10 miles to Exit 8mm of I-82 WA]
[~3.27 miles to Exit 3 of I-82 WA]
[ food(0), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPBROADWAY FLYING J TRAVEL PLAZA 2300 Canyon Rd ELLENSBURG, WA, I-90 Exit 115
Amenities: Truck Parking; XL; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Lounge; Scales; WIFI; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Trip Pak; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~0.25 miles to Exit 109 of I-90 WA]
[~1.29 miles to Exit 0mm of I-82 WA]
[ food(72), gas(9), lodging(8), coffee(6), attractions(11), grocery(18), bars(11) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPTESORO TRUCK STOP 528 S Ely KENNEWICK, WA, US- 395 S
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service; ATM; VISA/Mastercard; Comm Data Cards/Checks; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~3.35 miles to Exit 113 of I-82 WA]
[~3.50 miles to Exit 12a of I-182 WA]
[ food(82), gas(30), lodging(17), coffee(5), attractions(16), grocery(37), bars(23) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPTESORO TRUCK STOP 528 S Ely St CHEWELAH, WA, US-395
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service
[~3.40 miles to Exit 113 of I-82 WA]
[~3.45 miles to Exit 12a of I-182 WA]
[ food(82), gas(30), lodging(16), coffee(5), attractions(16), grocery(37), bars(23) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services