I-70 Rest Areas, I-70 Rest Stops Indiana Eastbound
G=Gas, F=Food, L=Lodging
MAPRest Area at Mile Marker 1.5, Welcome Center eastbound, full handicap facilities, info, picnic tables, trash cans, phone, vending, pet area
Nearby City: Saint Mary Of The Woods, IN
Nearby Services: F:66|G:11|L:15
Nearby City: Saint Mary Of The Woods, IN
Nearby Services: F:66|G:11|L:15
MAPRest Area at Mile Marker 65, Rest Area both lanes, full handicap facilities, info, vending, phone, picnic tables, trash cans, pet area
Nearby City: Plainfield, IN
Nearby Services: F:103|G:23|L:16
Nearby City: Plainfield, IN
Nearby Services: F:103|G:23|L:16
MAPRest Area at Mile Marker 107, Rest Area both lanes, full handicap facilities, vending, phone, picnic tables, trash cans, pet area
Nearby City: Finly, IN
Nearby Services: F:59|G:12|L:6
Nearby City: Finly, IN
Nearby Services: F:59|G:12|L:6
MAPRest Area at Mile Marker 144, Rest Area both lanes, full handicap facilities, info, vending, phone, picnic tables, trash cans, pet area
Nearby City: Richmond, IN
Nearby Services: F:11|G:3|L:1
Nearby City: Richmond, IN
Nearby Services: F:11|G:3|L:1