I-65 Alabama Exits Southbound
- MAPExit 365 AL 53, to Ardmore
[Gas(8), Food(34), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~3.9 mi to Exit 361]nearby city: Ardmore,AL - MAPExit 361 Elkmont
[Gas(2), Food(12), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~6.57 mi to Exit 354, ~3.9 mi to Exit 365]nearby city: Elkmont,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 340a AL 20, to Decatur
[Gas(15), Food(29), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~6.53 mi to Exit 334, ~0 mi to Exit 340b]nearby city: Mooresville,AL - MAPExit 334 AL 67, Priceville, to Decatur
[Gas(16), Food(51), Hotels(4) within 5 miles]
[~5.82 mi to Exit 328, ~6.53 mi to Exit 340a]nearby city: Decatur,AL - MAPExit 328 AL 36, Hartselle
[Gas(13), Food(50), Hotels(2) within 5 miles]
[~2.53 mi to Exit 325, ~5.82 mi to Exit 334]nearby city: Hartselle,AL - MAPExit 325 Thompson Rd, to Hartselle No Services
[Gas(13), Food(50), Hotels(2) within 5 miles]
[~3.08 mi to Exit 322, ~2.53 mi to Exit 328]nearby city: Hartselle,AL - MAPExit 322 AL 55, to US 31, to Falkville, Eva
[Gas(5), Food(8), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~3.64 mi to Exit 318, ~3.08 mi to Exit 325]nearby city: Falkville,AL - MAPExit 318 US 31, to Lacon
[Gas(4), Food(8), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~7.61 mi to Exit 310, ~3.64 mi to Exit 322]nearby city: Falkville,AL - MAPExit 310 AL 157, Cullman, West Point
[Gas(30), Food(93), Hotels(8) within 5 miles]
[~2.57 mi to Exit 308, ~7.61 mi to Exit 318]nearby city: Cullman,AL - MAPExit 308 US 278, Cullman
[Gas(36), Food(95), Hotels(9) within 5 miles]
[~3.96 mi to Exit 304, ~2.57 mi to Exit 310]nearby city: Cullman,AL - MAPExit 304 AL 69 N, Good Hope, to Cullman
[Gas(26), Food(73), Hotels(2) within 5 miles]
[~4.07 mi to Exit 299, ~3.96 mi to Exit 308]nearby city: Cullman,AL - MAPExit 299 AL 69 S, to Jasper
[Gas(14), Food(14), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~7.34 mi to Exit 291, ~4.07 mi to Exit 304]nearby city: Hanceville,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 287 US 31 N, to Blount Springs
[Gas(4), Food(15), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.92 mi to Exit 284, ~1.99 mi to Exit 289]nearby city: Warrior,AL - MAPExit 284 US 31 S, AL 160 E, Hayden
[Gas(11), Food(27), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.56 mi to Exit 282, ~2.92 mi to Exit 287]nearby city: Warrior,AL - MAPExit 282 AL 140, Warrior
[Gas(10), Food(25), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~0.74 mi to Exit 281, ~2.56 mi to Exit 284]nearby city: Warrior,AL - MAPExit 281 US 31, to Warrior
[Gas(10), Food(25), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~1.03 mi to Exit 280, ~0.74 mi to Exit 282]nearby city: Warrior,AL - MAPExit 280 to US 31, to Warrior
[Gas(10), Food(20), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.63 mi to Exit 275, ~1.03 mi to Exit 281]nearby city: Kimberly,AL - MAPExit 275 to US 31, Morris No Services
[Gas(12), Food(33), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~3.21 mi to Exit 272, ~4.63 mi to Exit 280]nearby city: Gardendale,AL - MAPExit 272 Mt Olive Rd
[Gas(18), Food(59), Hotels(7) within 5 miles]
[~1.51 mi to Exit 271, ~3.21 mi to Exit 275]nearby city: Gardendale,AL - MAPExit 271 Fieldstown Rd
[Gas(18), Food(61), Hotels(8) within 5 miles]
[~3.13 mi to Exit 267, ~1.51 mi to Exit 272]nearby city: Gardendale,AL - MAPExit 267 Walkers Chapel Rd, to Fultondale
[Gas(43), Food(89), Hotels(8) within 5 miles]
[~1.67 mi to Exit 266, ~3.13 mi to Exit 271]nearby city: Fultondale,AL - MAPExit 266 US 31, Fultondale
[Gas(63), Food(99+), Hotels(15) within 5 miles]
[~1.9 mi to Exit 264, ~1.67 mi to Exit 267]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 264 41st Ave
[Gas(81), Food(99+), Hotels(20) within 5 miles]
[~0.86 mi to Exit 263, ~1.9 mi to Exit 266]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 263 33rd Ave
[Gas(91), Food(99+), Hotels(21) within 5 miles]
[~1.21 mi to Exit 262b a, ~0.86 mi to Exit 264]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 262b a 16th St, Finley Ave
[Gas(99+), Food(99+), Hotels(25) within 5 miles]
[~0.81 mi to Exit 261b a, ~1.21 mi to Exit 263]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 261b a
I-20/59, E to Gadsden, W to Tuscaloosa No Services
[Gas(99+), Food(99+), Hotels(30) within 5 miles]
[~0.87 mi to Exit 260b a, ~0.81 mi to Exit 262b a]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 260b a 3th Ave N
[Gas(99+), Food(99+), Hotels(36) within 5 miles]
[~0.83 mi to Exit 259b a, ~0.87 mi to Exit 261b a]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 259b a University Blvd, 4th Ave, 5th Ave
[Gas(99+), Food(99+), Hotels(36) within 5 miles]
[~1.23 mi to Exit 258, ~0.83 mi to Exit 260b a]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 258 Green Springs Ave
[Gas(99+), Food(99+), Hotels(36) within 5 miles]
[~1.37 mi to Exit 256b a, ~1.23 mi to Exit 259b a]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 256b a Oxmoor Rd
[Gas(99), Food(99+), Hotels(37) within 5 miles]
[~1.01 mi to Exit 255, ~1.37 mi to Exit 258]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 255 Lakeshore Dr
[Gas(99+), Food(99+), Hotels(38) within 5 miles]
[~1.29 mi to Exit 254, ~1.01 mi to Exit 256b a]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 254 Alford Ave, Shades Crest Rd
[Gas(76), Food(99+), Hotels(36) within 5 miles]
[~1.69 mi to Exit 252, ~1.29 mi to Exit 255]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAPExit 252 US 31, Montgomery Hwy
[Gas(69), Food(99+), Hotels(40) within 5 miles]
[~1.82 mi to Exit 250, ~1.69 mi to Exit 254]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 247 Al 17, Valleydale Rd
[Gas(52), Food(99+), Hotels(24) within 5 miles]
[~1.28 mi to Exit 246, ~2.64 mi to Exit 250]nearby city: Birmingham,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 238 US 31, Alabaster, Saginaw
[Gas(35), Food(88), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~4.31 mi to Exit 234, ~3.44 mi to Exit 242]nearby city: Alabaster,AL - MAPExit 234
[Gas(21), Food(57), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~2.69 mi to Exit 231, ~4.31 mi to Exit 238]nearby city: Saginaw,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 219 Union Grove, Thorsby
[Gas(9), Food(18), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~7.36 mi to Exit 212, ~9 mi to Exit 228]nearby city: Jemison,AL - MAPExit 212 AL 145, Clanton
[Gas(22), Food(46), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~3.51 mi to Exit 208, ~7.36 mi to Exit 219]nearby city: Clanton,AL - MAPExit 208 Clanton
[Gas(27), Food(61), Hotels(5) within 5 miles]
[~3.02 mi to Exit 205, ~3.51 mi to Exit 212]nearby city: Clanton,AL - MAPExit 205 US 31, AL 22, to Clanton
[Gas(23), Food(48), Hotels(5) within 5 miles]
[~4.97 mi to Exit 200, ~3.02 mi to Exit 208]nearby city: Clanton,AL - MAPExit 200 to Verbena
[Gas(7), Food(6), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~13.84 mi to Exit 186, ~4.97 mi to Exit 205]nearby city: Verbena,AL - MAPExit 186 US 31, Pine Level
[Gas(5), Food(6), Hotels(2) within 5 miles]
[~5.09 mi to Exit 181, ~13.84 mi to Exit 200]nearby city: Deatsville,AL - MAPExit 181 AL 14, to Prattville
[Gas(43), Food(99+), Hotels(17) within 5 miles]
[~2.29 mi to Exit 179, ~5.09 mi to Exit 186]nearby city: Prattville,AL - MAPExit 179 US 82 W, Millbrook
[Gas(38), Food(99+), Hotels(16) within 5 miles]
[~3.44 mi to Exit 176, ~2.29 mi to Exit 181]nearby city: Prattville,AL - MAPExit 173 AL 152, North Blvd, to US 231 No Services
[Gas(68), Food(99+), Hotels(11) within 5 miles]
[~0.86 mi to Exit 172, ~2.85 mi to Exit 176]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 172 Clay St, Herron St
[Gas(71), Food(99+), Hotels(13) within 5 miles]
[~0.63 mi to Exit 171, ~0.86 mi to Exit 173]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 170 Fairview Ave
[Gas(70), Food(99+), Hotels(13) within 5 miles]
[~0.53 mi to Exit 169, ~1.07 mi to Exit 171]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 169 Edgemont Ave
[Gas(71), Food(99+), Hotels(13) within 5 miles]
[~1.32 mi to Exit 168, ~0.53 mi to Exit 170]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 168 US 80 E, US 82, South Blvd
[Gas(69), Food(99+), Hotels(17) within 5 miles]
[~1.08 mi to Exit 167, ~1.32 mi to Exit 169]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 167 US 80 W, to Selma
[Gas(59), Food(99+), Hotels(15) within 5 miles]
[~3.29 mi to Exit 164, ~1.08 mi to Exit 168]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 164 US 31, Hope Hull
[Gas(22), Food(36), Hotels(11) within 5 miles]
[~6.11 mi to Exit 158, ~3.29 mi to Exit 167]nearby city: Montgomery,AL - MAPExit 158 to US 31
[Gas(2), Food(6), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~6.45 mi to Exit 151, ~6.11 mi to Exit 164]nearby city: Hope Hull,AL - MAPExit 151 AL 97, to Letohatchee
[Gas(3), Food(1), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~9.5 mi to Exit 142, ~6.45 mi to Exit 158]nearby city: Letohatchee,AL - MAPExit 142 AL 185, to Ft Deposit
[Gas(3), Food(8), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~11.33 mi to Exit 130, ~9.5 mi to Exit 151]nearby city: Fort Deposit,AL - MAPExit 130 AL10 E, AL 185, to Greenville
[Gas(24), Food(42), Hotels(7) within 5 miles]
[~2.33 mi to Exit 128, ~11.33 mi to Exit 142]nearby city: Greenville,AL - MAPExit 128 AL 10, to Greenville
[Gas(24), Food(41), Hotels(7) within 5 miles]
[~13.59 mi to Exit 114, ~2.33 mi to Exit 130]nearby city: Greenville,AL - MAPExit 114 AL 106, to Georgiana
[Gas(5), Food(4), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~6.57 mi to Exit 107, ~13.59 mi to Exit 128]nearby city: Georgiana,AL - MAPExit 107 rd 7, to Garland No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~6.67 mi to Exit 101, ~6.57 mi to Exit 114]nearby city: McKenzie,AL - MAPExit 101 to Owassa
[Gas(6), Food(12), Hotels(4) within 5 miles]
[~4.18 mi to Exit 96, ~6.67 mi to Exit 107]nearby city: Evergreen,AL - MAPExit 96 AL 83, to Evergreen
[Gas(12), Food(22), Hotels(4) within 5 miles]
[~3.6 mi to Exit 93, ~4.18 mi to Exit 101]nearby city: Evergreen,AL - MAPExit 93 US 84, to Evergreen
[Gas(9), Food(21), Hotels(4) within 5 miles]
[~9.36 mi to Exit 83, ~3.6 mi to Exit 96]nearby city: Evergreen,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 69 AL 113, to Flomaton
[Gas(2), Food(2), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~11.6 mi to Exit 57, ~8.01 mi to Exit 77]nearby city: Brewton,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 45 to Perdido
[Gas(1), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~7.23 mi to Exit 37, ~8.44 mi to Exit 54]nearby city: Perdido,AL - MAPExit 37 AL 287, Gulf Shores Pkwy, to Bay Minette
[Gas(3), Food(1), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~3.79 mi to Exit 34, ~7.23 mi to Exit 45]nearby city: Bay Minette,AL - MAPExit 34 to AL 59, to Bay Minette, Stockton
[Gas(4), Food(5), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.11 mi to Exit 31, ~3.79 mi to Exit 37]nearby city: Bay Minette,AL - MAPExit 31 AL 225, to Stockton
[Gas(2), Food(3), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~10.25 mi to Exit 22, ~2.11 mi to Exit 34]nearby city: Bay Minette,AL - MAP
- MAPExit 15 AL 41
[Gas(24), Food(64), Hotels(11) within 5 miles]
[~2.13 mi to Exit 13, ~4.2 mi to Exit 19]nearby city: Saraland,AL - MAPExit 13 AL 158, AL 213, to Saraland
[Gas(34), Food(81), Hotels(10) within 5 miles]
[~2.48 mi to Exit 10, ~2.13 mi to Exit 15]nearby city: Saraland,AL - MAP