Truck Stops on I-45 in Texas (switch state)
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Amenities: Truck Parking; Store; Self Service;
[~0.23 miles to Exit 9 of I-45 TX]
[~0.78 miles to Exit 11 of I-45 TX]
[ food(36), gas(12), lodging(5), coffee(1), attractions(11), grocery(15), bars(11) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPAIRPORT GAS MART - - 8833 Airport Boulevard HOUSTON, TX, I-45
Amenities: Truck Parking; Store; Self Service;
[~0.42 miles to Exit 36 of I-45 TX]
[~1.14 miles to Exit 38 of I-45 TX]
[ food(88+), gas(50), lodging(29), coffee(2), attractions(18), grocery(40), bars(31) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPSUNMART - - 7102 North Fwy HOUSTON, TX, I-45
Amenities: Truck Parking; Store; Showers; Self Service;
[~0.41 miles to Exit 55b a of I-45 TX]
[~0.84 miles to Exit 56 of I-45 TX]
[ food(49), gas(41), lodging(6), coffee(1), attractions(25), grocery(58), bars(15) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPFLYING J TRAVEL PLAZA - - 15919 North Freeway HOUSTON, TX, I-45
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~0.05 miles to Exit 64 of I-45 TX]
[~1.16 miles to Exit 63 of I-45 TX]
[ food(52), gas(31), lodging(23), coffee(2), attractions(21), grocery(18), bars(23) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPSUNMART - 24607 Interstate 45 THE WOODLANDS, TX, I-45
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Lounge; Self Service;
[~1.19 miles to Exit 73 of I-45 TX]
[~1.66 miles to Exit 77 of I-45 TX]
[ food(88+), gas(41), lodging(26), coffee(3), attractions(11), grocery(36), bars(17) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPHITCHIN POST TRUCK TERMINAL - # I-45 HUNTSVILLE, TX, I-45 Exit 118
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Repair Svcs; Lounge; Scales; Oil Change; Self Service;
[~5.06 miles to Exit 118 of I-45 TX]
[~5.17 miles to Exit 116 of I-45 TX]
[ food(0), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPPILOT TRAVEL CENTER - - 639 Highway 75 N HUNTSVILLE, TX, I-45 Exit 118
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~18.43 miles to Exit 118 of I-45 TX]
[~18.64 miles to Exit 116 of I-45 TX]
[ food(23), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(3), grocery(0), bars(4) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPHARBORSIDE FOOD MART - - 8220 Harborside Dr GALVESTON, TX, I-45
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Self Service;
[~0.15 miles to Exit 1c of I-45 TX]
[~0.81 miles to Exit 1b of I-45 TX]
[ food(56), gas(18), lodging(32), coffee(4), attractions(21), grocery(13), bars(6) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPISLAND FOOD MART - 8224 Harborside Dr GALVESTON, TX, I-45
Amenities: Truck Parking; Store; Self Service;
[~0.13 miles to Exit 1c of I-45 TX]
[~0.80 miles to Exit 1b of I-45 TX]
[ food(56), gas(18), lodging(32), coffee(4), attractions(21), grocery(13), bars(6) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPAPPLEBY MARKET 14084 N US Highway 59 APPLEBY, TX, US-59
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~69.38 miles to Exit 116 of I-45 TX]
[~69.38 miles to Exit 118 of I-45 TX]
[ food(3), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPPOLK’S PICK IT UP #3 6925 N US Highway 69 # 3 POLLOK, TX, US-69
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~66.23 miles to Exit 118 of I-45 TX]
[~66.34 miles to Exit 116 of I-45 TX]
[ food(6), gas(1), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPHPP #6 103 Prospect Dr TRINITY, TX, TX-19
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~19.54 miles to Exit 118 of I-45 TX]
[~19.80 miles to Exit 121mm of I-45 TX]
[ food(24), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(1), grocery(0), bars(4) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPFAST-START MARKETS 2714 Highway 21 W RYAN, TX, TX-21
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~34.09 miles to Exit 142 of I-45 TX]
[~34.18 miles to Exit 146 of I-45 TX]
[ food(81), gas(36), lodging(9), coffee(1), attractions(8), grocery(8), bars(3) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPVALERO #541 Highway 30 & Highway 90 ROANS, TX, TX-30
Amenities: Truck Parking; Self Service;
[~34.34 miles to Exit 142 of I-45 TX]
[~35.23 miles to Exit 146 of I-45 TX]
[ food(88+), gas(22), lodging(27), coffee(0), attractions(10), grocery(3), bars(7) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services