Truck Stops on I-435 in Missouri (switch state)
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- MAPKING SUPER STORE - 3600 Randolph Rd RANDOLPH, MO, I-435
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Self Service;
[~0.19 miles to Exit 55b a of I-435 MO]
[~0.67 miles to Exit 56mm of I-435 MO]
[ food(53), gas(14), lodging(20), coffee(0), attractions(6), grocery(13), bars(6) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPDIAMOND SHAMROCK 5101 E Front St KANSAS CITY, MO, I-435
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Self Service;
[~1.20 miles to Exit 57 of I-435 MO]
[~1.90 miles to Exit 56mm of I-435 MO]
[ food(88+), gas(25), lodging(20), coffee(0), attractions(16), grocery(45), bars(13) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPFLYING J TRAVEL PLAZA - 1300 N Corrington Ave KANSAS CITY, MO, I-435
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Self Service;
[~0.14 miles to Exit 57 of I-435 MO]
[~1.40 miles to Exit 56mm of I-435 MO]
[ food(66), gas(18), lodging(20), coffee(0), attractions(10), grocery(21), bars(10) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services