Chat Room for I-40
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Chat Room for I-40
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DrivingHome at I-40 - 17th Mar, 20189
I need advice about cell service and finding diesel fuel from CA to FL
R967 at I-40 - 14th Mar, 20188
What are the road condition from Henderson South Carolina thru I40 to Knoxville TN?
R350 at I-84 at I-84 - 3rd Mar, 20184
PSP Troopers sitting at PA Rte 739 exit not trying a solution for motorists stuck 10 hours on I-84 E; if they were off-duty stuck on I-40 for 10 hours in 25 degree temps, observed NC Troopers not trying a solution, they would demand it!
Roadnow Chat for I-405,WA - 10th Dec, 20133
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-405,CA - 10th Dec, 20132
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!
Roadnow Chat for I-40 - 10th Dec, 20131
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!