Truck Stops on I-385 in South Carolina (switch state)
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- MAPHOT SPOT # 46 11504 Augusta Rd PRINCETON, SC, US-25
Amenities: Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/MasterCard; Com Data Cards/Checks
[~10.40 miles to Exit 24 of I-385 SC]
[~10.53 miles to Exit 23 of I-385 SC]
[ food(1), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPSPINX OIL CO 2 Tigerville Road TRAVELER'S REST, SC, US 25 N
Amenities: Truck Parking; S; Deli; Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/MasterCard; Com Data Cards/Checks; Fuel Man
[~9.03 miles to Exit 42 of I-385 SC]
[~9.28 miles to Exit 40b a of I-385 SC]
[ food(31), gas(12), lodging(2), coffee(1), attractions(2), grocery(2), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPSPINX No' 119 1103 Bypass 25 NE GREENWOOD, SC, US 25 BYPASS
Amenities: Truck Parking; Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/MasterCard; Fuel Man
[~25.10 miles to Exit 9 of I-385 SC]
[~25.18 miles to Exit 6mm of I-385 SC]
[ food(88+), gas(30), lodging(8), coffee(1), attractions(14), grocery(9), bars(1) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPHOT SPOT NO 2009 3228 U' S' 25 GREENWOOD, SC, US 25 -178 S
Amenities: Truck Parking; M; Deli; Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/MasterCard; Com Data Cards/Checks; Fleet One Cards/Checks
[~29.32 miles to Exit 2 of I-385 SC]
[~29.42 miles to Exit 5 of I-385 SC]
[ food(13), gas(8), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(2), grocery(2), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPCORNER MART 38 2705 U' S' 25 GREENVILLE, SC, I-85
Amenities: Truck Parking; S; Deli; Store; 24 HOURS; Self Service; ATM; VISA/MasterCard; Com Data Cards/Checks; FedEx/UPS
[~6.01 miles to Exit 42 of I-385 SC]
[~7.05 miles to Exit 40b a of I-385 SC]
[ food(29), gas(7), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(5), grocery(3), bars(2) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPANDERSON TRAVEL CENTER 4601 N Hwy 81 ANDERSON, SC, I-85
Amenities: Truck Parking; XL; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Scales; Self Service
[~15.94 miles to Exit 23 of I-385 SC]
[~15.98 miles to Exit 24 of I-385 SC]
[ food(2), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
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