Truck Stops on I-29 in Missouri (switch state)
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Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Repair Svcs; Lounge; Self Service;
[~0.26 miles to Exit 46b a of I-29 MO]
[~1.71 miles to Exit 47 of I-29 MO]
[ food(87), gas(26), lodging(14), coffee(3), attractions(19), grocery(20), bars(14) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPWIEDMAIER TRUCK STOP - 4215 S US Highway 169 SAINT JOSEPH, MO, I-29
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Lounge; Self Service;
[~1.85 miles to Exit 43 of I-29 MO]
[~2.27 miles to Exit 44 of I-29 MO]
[ food(43), gas(17), lodging(1), coffee(0), attractions(4), grocery(12), bars(9) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPTRIP STOP - 4177 Highway 59 FILLMORE, MO, I-29
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Self Service;
[~4.44 miles to Exit 65 of I-29 MO]
[~5.52 miles to Exit 60 of I-29 MO]
[ food(0), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPKING SUPER STORE - 20717 State Hwy MOUND CITY, MO, I-29
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Self Service;
[~0.18 miles to Exit 82mm of I-29 MO]
[~2.27 miles to Exit 84 of I-29 MO]
[ food(12), gas(3), lodging(2), coffee(0), attractions(2), grocery(2), bars(2) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPROCK PORT SHELL - 1201 US Highway 136 W ROCK PORT, MO, I-29 Exit 110
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Self Service;
[~2.09 miles to Exit 116 of I-29 MO]
[~3.86 miles to Exit 110 of I-29 MO]
[ food(0), gas(0), lodging(0), coffee(0), attractions(0), grocery(0), bars(0) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPROCK PORT TRUCK PLAZA - 1306 US Highway 136 W ROCK PORT, MO, I-29 Exit 110
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Laundromat; Self Service;
[~1.01 miles to Exit 110 of I-29 MO]
[~1.66 miles to Exit 109.5mm of I-29 MO]
[ food(6), gas(6), lodging(1), coffee(0), attractions(1), grocery(4), bars(2) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services - MAPTRAIL’S END TRUCK STOP - 1303 Us Highway 136 W ROCK PORT, MO, I-29 Exit 110
Amenities: Truck Parking; Restaurant/Deli; Store; Showers; Motel; Self Service;
[~1.36 miles to Exit 110 of I-29 MO]
[~1.86 miles to Exit 109.5mm of I-29 MO]
[ food(6), gas(6), lodging(1), coffee(0), attractions(1), grocery(4), bars(2) within 3 miles ]
see it on map more local services