I-25 Wyoming Exits Northbound
- MAPExit 2 Terry Ranch Rd
[Gas(1), Food(4), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~5.01 mi to Exit 7]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 7 WY 212, College Dr
[Gas(26), Food(77), Hotels(18) within 5 miles]
[~5.01 mi to Exit 2, ~0.99 mi to Exit 8d b]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAP
- MAPExit 9 US 30, W Lincolnway, Cheyenne
[Gas(33), Food(99+), Hotels(18) within 5 miles]
[~0.53 mi to Exit 8d b, ~1.17 mi to Exit 10b d]nearby city: Fe Warren AFB,WY - MAPExit 10b d Warren AFB, Gate 2, Missile Dr, WY 210, HappyJack Rd
[Gas(34), Food(99+), Hotels(18) within 5 miles]
[~1.17 mi to Exit 9, ~0.66 mi to Exit 11b]nearby city: Fe Warren AFB,WY - MAPExit 11b Warren AFB, Gate 1, Randall Ave
[Gas(34), Food(99+), Hotels(18) within 5 miles]
[~0.66 mi to Exit 10b d, ~1.46 mi to Exit 12]nearby city: Fe Warren AFB,WY - MAPExit 12 Central Ave, Cheyenne
[Gas(34), Food(99+), Hotels(18) within 5 miles]
[~1.46 mi to Exit 11b, ~1.12 mi to Exit 13]nearby city: Fe Warren AFB,WY - MAPExit 13 Vandehei Ave
[Gas(29), Food(99+), Hotels(17) within 5 miles]
[~1.12 mi to Exit 12, ~2.41 mi to Exit 16]nearby city: Fe Warren AFB,WY - MAPExit 16 WY 211, Horse Creek Rd
[Gas(9), Food(53), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~2.41 mi to Exit 13, ~0.99 mi to Exit 17]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 17 US 85 N, to Torrington No Services
[Gas(7), Food(21), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~0.99 mi to Exit 16, ~4.04 mi to Exit 21]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 21 Ridley Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(1), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.04 mi to Exit 17, ~4.17 mi to Exit 25]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 25 ranch exit No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.17 mi to Exit 21, ~4.04 mi to Exit 29]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 29 Whitaker Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.04 mi to Exit 25, ~4.86 mi to Exit 34]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 34 Nimmo Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.86 mi to Exit 29, ~4.72 mi to Exit 39]nearby city: Cheyenne,WY - MAPExit 39 Little Bear Community No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.72 mi to Exit 34, ~8.01 mi to Exit 47]nearby city: Chugwater,WY - MAPExit 47 Bear Creek Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~8.01 mi to Exit 39, ~7.07 mi to Exit 54]nearby city: Chugwater,WY - MAPExit 54 Lp 25, Chugwater
[Gas(1), Food(3), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~7.07 mi to Exit 47, ~2.83 mi to Exit 57]nearby city: Chugwater,WY - MAPExit 57 TY Basin Rd, Chugwater No Services
[Gas(1), Food(3), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.83 mi to Exit 54, ~7.39 mi to Exit 65]nearby city: Chugwater,WY - MAPExit 65 Slater Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~7.39 mi to Exit 57, ~0.9 mi to Exit 66]nearby city: Chugwater,WY - MAPExit 66 Hunton Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~0.9 mi to Exit 65, ~2.31 mi to Exit 68]nearby city: Chugwater,WY - MAPExit 68 Antelope Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.31 mi to Exit 66, ~2.07 mi to Exit 70]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 70 Bordeaux Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.07 mi to Exit 68, ~2.41 mi to Exit 73]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 73 WY 34 W, to Laramie No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.41 mi to Exit 70, ~5.87 mi to Exit 78]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 78 US 87, Wheatland
[Gas(6), Food(17), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~5.87 mi to Exit 73, ~1.91 mi to Exit 80]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 80 US 87, Laramie Power Sta, Wheatland, Laramie Power Sta
[Gas(6), Food(17), Hotels(3) within 5 miles]
[~1.91 mi to Exit 78, ~3.71 mi to Exit 84]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 84 Laramie River Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(5), Hotels(2) within 5 miles]
[~3.71 mi to Exit 80, ~2.63 mi to Exit 87]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 87 Johnson Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.63 mi to Exit 84, ~4.91 mi to Exit 92]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 92 US 26 E, Dwyer Rest Area both lanes, full handicap facilities, picnic tables, litter barrel, pet area, RV dump, to Guernsey State Park , Ft Laramie NHS
[Gas(0), Food(1), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.91 mi to Exit 87, ~2.45 mi to Exit 94]nearby city: Wheatland,WY - MAPExit 94 El Rancho Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(1), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~2.45 mi to Exit 92, ~9.12 mi to Exit 100]nearby city: Guernsey,WY - MAP
- MAPExit 126 US 18, US 20 E, Orin Orin Jct Rest Area both lanes, full handicap facilities, phones, picnic tables, trash cans, pet area, RV dump
[Gas(1), Food(1), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~8.83 mi to Exit 111, ~8.76 mi to Exit 135]nearby city: Shawnee,WY - MAP
- MAPExit 156 Bixby Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~1.93 mi to Exit 154, ~4.61 mi to Exit 160]nearby city: Glenrock,WY - MAPExit 160 US 87, US 20, US 26, E Glenrock
[Gas(1), Food(8), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~4.61 mi to Exit 156, ~4.94 mi to Exit 165]nearby city: Glenrock,WY - MAPExit 165 Glenrock
[Gas(1), Food(8), Hotels(1) within 5 miles]
[~4.94 mi to Exit 160, ~16.39 mi to Exit 182]nearby city: Glenrock,WY - MAP
- MAPExit 210 Horse Ranch Creek Rd, Midwest, Edgerton No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~12.82 mi to Exit 197, ~5.96 mi to Exit 216]nearby city: Midwest,WY - MAPExit 216 Ranch Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~5.96 mi to Exit 210, ~7.78 mi to Exit 223]nearby city: Midwest,WY - MAPExit 223 No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~7.78 mi to Exit 216, ~4.15 mi to Exit 227]nearby city: Midwest,WY - MAPExit 227 WY 387 N, Midwest, Edgerton No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~4.15 mi to Exit 223, ~6.42 mi to Exit 235]nearby city: Midwest,WY - MAPExit 235 Tisdale Mtn Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~6.42 mi to Exit 227, ~10.89 mi to Exit 246]nearby city: Edgerton,WY - MAP
- MAPExit 280 Middle Fork Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~14.55 mi to Exit 265, ~10.83 mi to Exit 291]nearby city: Buffalo,WY - MAPExit 291 Trabing Rd No Services
[Gas(0), Food(0), Hotels(0) within 5 miles]
[~10.83 mi to Exit 280, ~6.88 mi to Exit 298]nearby city: Buffalo,WY - MAPExit 298 US 87, Buffalo
[Gas(9), Food(27), Hotels(8) within 5 miles]
[~6.88 mi to Exit 291, ~1.3 mi to Exit 299]nearby city: Buffalo,WY - MAPExit 299 299 US 16, Buffalo
[Gas(9), Food(27), Hotels(8) within 5 miles]
[~1.3 mi to Exit 298, ~1.07 mi to Exit 300]nearby city: Buffalo,WY - MAP