Chat Room for I-15
Chat Room for I-15
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R531 at I-15 - 18th Sep, 201828
I-15 Accident near me, reported by R531. Accident is close to I-15 ID Exit 118, near Idaho Falls, about 2.07 mi to the exit
bussebabe at I-15 - 21st Aug, 201827
Sitting on I-15 by Walmart; !-15 southbound is closed; is there an accident?
Groot at I-15 - 10th Aug, 201825
Going to San Bernardino tomorrow from Las Vegas how is the I-15 South
I-15 stnproe at I-15 - 31st Jul, 201822
from St George to SLC traffic should not have road work on Sat anyone please?
W791 at I-15 - 18th May, 201812
This sucks we have been stuck here over an hour just North of baker trying to get to Vegas for a swingers party
R768 at I-15 - 26th Apr, 201811
Anyone know what happened on I-15 South exit 51 this morning in Temecula, CA?
Mari at I-15 - 8th Apr, 20189
Driving from LA to Vegas - any issues along the way or hidden police to keep an eye out for?
R974Tired of waiting at I-15 - 29th Mar, 20188
Anyone know what's holding the traffic up past exit 281 going southbound on I-15? We've been stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for over an hour.
T142 at I-15 - 13th Mar, 20185
Someone dropped a tread mill by exit 304 in slc and caused a 11 car incident today around 9pm there was one vehical that smashed into the item causing debry everywhere and cause numerous blow outs and damages to vehicals including me
Roadnow Chat for I-15 - 10th Dec, 20131
Welcome to Roadnow Chat Room. Your input will help all your fellow drivers on the road. Don't Text & Drive. Thank you!